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Touchstones Life Areas Touchstones Life Areas

The Touchstones framework is organized by six major life areas. Click on a life area below to learn more.

Economic Security

is one of six life areas that make up the New York State Touchstones framework. Each life area has a set of goals and objectives–representing expectations about the future, and a set of indicators–reflecting the status of children and families. The Touchstones framework provides a holistic approach as it cuts across all health, education and human service sectors.

Goals and Objectives

Children and youth will be raised in families with sufficient economic resources to meet their basic needs.

  • Children will be raised in households with sufficient economic resources to provide food, clothing, shelter and other necessities.
  • Children and youth will receive adequate financial support from absent parents.

Youth will be prepared for their eventual economic self-sufficiency.

  • Youth will have skills, attitudes and competencies to enter college, the work force or other meaningful activities.
  • Young adults who can work will have opportunities for employment.
  • Youth seeking summer jobs will have employment opportunities.

Physical and Emotional Health

is one of six life areas that make up the New York State Touchstones framework. Each life area has a set of goals and objectives–representing expectations about the future, and a set of indicators–reflecting the status of children and families. The Touchstones framework provides a holistic approach as it cuts across all health, education and human service sectors.

Goals and Objectives

Children and youth will have optimal physical and emotional health.

  • Children and youth will be born healthy.
  • Children and youth will be free from preventable disease and injury.
  • Children and youth will have nutritious diets.
  • Children and youth will be physically fit.
  • Children and youth will be emotionally healthy.
  • Children and youth will be free from health risk behaviors (e.g., smoking, drinking, substance abuse, unsafe sexual activity).
  • Children and youth will have access to timely and appropriate preventive and primary health care.
  • Children with special health care needs will experience an optimal quality of life.
  • Children and youth with service needs due to mental illness, developmental disabilities and/or substance abuse problems will have access to timely and appropriate services.


is one of six life areas that make up the New York State Touchstones framework. Each life area has a set of goals and objectives–representing expectations about the future, and a set of indicators–reflecting the status of children and families. The Touchstones framework provides a holistic approach as it cuts across all health, education and human service sectors.

Goals and Objectives

Children will leave school prepared to live, learn and work in a community as contributing members of society.

  • Children will come to school ready to learn.
  • Students will meet or exceed high standards for academic performance and demonstrate knowledge and skills required for lifelong learning and self-sufficiency in a dynamic world.
  • Students will be educated in a safe, supportive, drug free and nurturing environment.
  • Students will stay in school until successful completion.

Civic Engagement

is one of six life areas that make up the New York State Touchstones framework. Each life area has a set of goals and objectives–representing expectations about the future, and a set of indicators–reflecting the status of children and families. The Touchstones framework provides a holistic approach as it cuts across all health, education and human service sectors.

Goals and Objectives

Children and youth will demonstrate good citizenship as law-abiding, contributing members of their families, schools and communities.

  • Children and youth will assume personal responsibility for their behavior.
  • Youth will demonstrate ethical behavior and civic values.
  • Children and youth will understand and respect people who are different from themselves.
  • Children and youth will participate in family and community activities.
  • Children and youth will have positive peer interactions.
  • Children and youth will make constructive use of leisure time.
  • Youth will delay becoming parents until adulthood.
  • Children and youth will refrain from violence and other illegal behaviors.


is one of six life areas that make up the New York State Touchstones framework. Each life area has a set of goals and objectives–representing expectations about the future, and a set of indicators–reflecting the status of children and families. The Touchstones framework provides a holistic approach as it cuts across all health, education and human service sectors.

Goals and Objectives

Families will provide children with safe, stable and nurturing environments

  • Parent/caregivers will provide children with a stable family relationship.
  • Parent/caregivers will possess and practice adequate child rearing skills.
  • Parent/caregivers will be literate.
  • Parent/caregivers will be positively involved in their children's learning.
  • Parent/caregivers will the knowledge and ability to access support services for their children.
  • Parent/caregivers will provide their children with households free from physical and emotional abuse.
  • Parent/caregivers will provide their children with households free from alcohol and other substance abuse.


is one of six life areas that make up the New York State Touchstones framework. Each life area has a set of goals and objectives–representing expectations about the future, and a set of indicators–reflecting the status of children and families. The Touchstones framework provides a holistic approach as it cuts across all health, education and human service sectors.

Goals and Objectives

New York State communities will provide children, youth and families with healthy, safe and thriving environments.

  • Communities will be economically sound.
  • The environment will be free of pollutants (e.g., air and water quality will meet healthful standards).
  • Neighborhoods will be crime free.
  • Adequate housing will be available.
  • Adequate transportation will be available.

New York State communities will provide children, youth and their families with opportunities to help them meet their needs for physical, social, moral and emotional growth.

  • Communities will make available and accessible formal and informal services (e.g., child care, parent training, recreation, youth services, libraries, museums, parks).
  • Adults in the community will provide youth with good role models and opportunities for positive adult interactions.
  • Communities will provide opportunities for youth to make positive contributions to community life and to practice skill development.

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When citing data from the website, please use: Council on Children and Families, Kids' Wellbeing Indicators Clearinghouse (KWIC),