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KWIC County Reports

Child Well-being: Cattaraugus County

The Child Well-being Report provides a snapshot of the overall health, education and well-being of children, youth and families. This is the default profile.

Economic Security: Cattaraugus County
rate or percent (base year;current year)
Base Year Current Year NYS Current
Number Rate Number Rate Rate

Children and Youth Living Below Poverty,
number and percent children/youth ages birth-17 years (2020;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

3,594 22.0 3,214 20.0 18.6

Children and Youth Receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits,
number and percent children/youth ages birth-17 years (2018;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

3,644 21.5 3,580 21.2 22.8

Children and Youth Receiving Public Assistance,
number and percent children/youth ages birth-17 years (2018;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

636 3.8 594 3.5 5.6

Children and Youth Receiving Supplemental Security Income,
number and percent children/youth ages birth-17 years (2018;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

301 1.8 303 1.8 1.8

Children Receiving Free or Reduced-price School Lunch - Public Schools ,
number and percent children in grades K-12 (2014/15;2022/23)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

6,711 52.2 5,851 51.0 N/A
Physical and Emotional Health: Cattaraugus County
rate or percent (base year;current year)
Base Year Current Year NYS Current
Number Rate Number Rate Rate

Asthma - Hospitalizations 0-4 years (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/10,000 children ages birth-4 years (2012-2014;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*9 *19.3 *4 *8.4 27.4

Self-Inflicted Injuries - Hospitalizations 10-14 years (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 youth ages 10-14 years (2016-2018;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

N/A N/A *2 *40.8 40.9

Self-Inflicted Injuries - Hospitalizations 15-19 years (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 youth ages 15-19 years (2016-2018;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*8 *157.0 *11 *213.8 111.8

Self-Inflicted Injuries - Suicide Mortality (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 youth ages 10-19 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*1 *6.4 *2 *16.6 3.5

Infant Mortality (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/1,000 live births (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*3 *3.8 *3 *4.0 4.2

STD - Reported Cases of Gonorrhea (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 youth ages 15-19 years (2014-2016;2016-2018)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*9 *171.5 *11 *201.0 372.0

STD - Reported Cases of Chlamydia, Males 15-19 yrs,
number and rate/100,000 males ages 15-19 years (2009-2011;2014-2016)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*8 *265.6 *14 *509.9 922.5

STD - Reported Cases of Chlamydia, Males - all ages,
number and rate/100,000 males all ages (2009-2011;2012-2014)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

35 88.7 44 112.6 338.9

STD - Reported Cases of Chlamydia, Females 15-19 yrs,
number and rate/100,000 females ages 15-19 years (2009-2011;2014-2016)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

60 2080.9 74 2798.9 3147.6

STD - Reported Cases of Chlamydia, Females - all ages,
number and rate/100,000 females all ages (2009-2011;2014-2016)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

154 380.3 191 1401.2 1577.4

Mortality by Age - Children 1-4 years (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 children ages 1-4 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*0 *9.1 *2 *67.4 16.5

Mortality by Age - Children 5-9 years (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 children ages 5-9 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*0 *6.8 *1 *28.8 10.3

Mortality by Age - Adolescents 10-14 years (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 youth ages 10-14 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*1 *13.4 *1 *13.4 12.5

Mortality by Age - Adolescents 15-19 years (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 youth ages 15-19 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*3 *49.0 *2 *44.7 30.9

Motor Vehicle Crashes - Hospitalizations (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 youth/young adults ages 15-24 years (2009-2011;2013-2015)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*12 *103.2 *1 *3.3 5.4
Education: Cattaraugus County
rate or percent (base year;current year)
Base Year Current Year NYS Current
Number Rate Number Rate Rate

Student Math Performance - Gr. 8 - All students,
number and percent at or above Level 3 (2015/16;2022/23)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

119 20.4 317 33.3 19.8

Student ELA Performance - Gr. 3 - All students,
number and percent at or above Level 3 (2015/16;2022/23)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

310 35.7 318 35.5 38.8

Student ELA Performance - Gr. 4 - All students,
number and percent at or above Level 3 (2015/16;2022/23)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

265 32.1 312 35.6 41.4

4-Year Cohort HS Graduation Rate - All students,
number and percent students in freshman cohort (2015/16;2022/23)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

864 83.7 832 86.3 86.4

4-Year Cohort HS Dropout Rate - All students,
number and percent students in freshman cohort (2015/16;2022/23)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

104 10.1 68 7.1 4.9

Chronic absence rate (elementary and middle schools),
number and percent public school students chronically absent (2017/18;2022/23)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

943 11.8 1,886 26.0 26.4
Civic Engagement: Cattaraugus County
rate or percent (base year;current year)
Base Year Current Year NYS Current
Number Rate Number Rate Rate

Hospitalizations Resulting from Assault (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/100,000 youth ages 10-19 years (2009-2011;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

N/A N/A N/A N/A 26.0
Family: Cattaraugus County
rate or percent (base year;current year)
Base Year Current Year NYS Current
Number Rate Number Rate Rate

Foster Care Children In Care - Children/Youth 0-21 years,
number and rate/1,000 children/youth ages birth-21 years (2016;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

66 2.9 43 2.0 2.7

Foster Care Admissions - Children/Youth Admitted to Foster Care,
number and rate/1,000 children/youth ages 0-21 years (2015;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

58 2.5 29 1.4 1.2

Foster Care Discharges - Children/Youth Discharged from Foster Care,
number and percent children/youth in foster care (2015;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

55 36.9 30 41.1 32.9

Child Abuse/Maltreatment - Children/Youth in Indicated Reports of Abuse/Maltreatment,
number and rate/1,000 children/youth ages 0-17 years (2015;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

680 35.9 355 21.1 12.4

Foster Care Adoption Milestone - Children/Youth Discharged to Adoption,
number and percent children/youth in foster care with goal and status of free for adoption (2015;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

21 77.8 *13 *76.5 44.8
Community: Cattaraugus County
rate or percent (base year;current year)
Base Year Current Year NYS Current
Number Rate Number Rate Rate

Crimes Known to the Police - Violent Index Crimes - General Population,
number and rate/10,000 persons in general population (2015;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

124 16.3 184 25.1 43.8

Unemployment - Resident Civilian,
number and rate persons 16 years of age and older in the labor force and not employed (2015;2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

2,200 6.3 1,300 4.0 4.3

High School Diploma - Adults 25 Years of Age and Older,
number and percent persons age 25+ in general population (2016;2024)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

18,310 33.8 17,098 32.6 21.1

Poverty - Population in Poverty - General Population (5-Yr),
number and percent persons in general population (2010-2014;2018-2022)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

13,598 17.1 N/A N/A N/A

Created February 8, 2025 9:46 PM EST


  • N/A: Data not available.
  • † The number displayed for this three-year average is 0 yet the rate displayed is greater than 0. This occurs when very few cases are reported during a three year period. Due to rounding, the number is presented as 0 and the rate, while very small, is greater than 0.
  • * Rates are not stable when the number is less than 20.

©2003-2025 by KWIC. All rights reserved. Site created by CCF and Cogent Technologies, Inc. The KWIC website is partially funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Permission to copy, reprint, or otherwise distribute KWIC data is granted as long as appropriate acknowledgement is given.
When citing data from the website, please use: Council on Children and Families, Kids' Wellbeing Indicators Clearinghouse (KWIC),