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KWIC County Reports

Maternal/Infant: Essex County

The Maternal/Infant Report provides a snapshot of the health and well-being of mother and child, including pregnancy, birth, prenatal care, birth weight and gestation, and infant mortality data.

Physical and Emotional Health: Essex County
rate or percent (base year;current year)
Base Year Current Year NYS Current
Number Rate Number Rate Rate

Infant Mortality (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/1,000 live births (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*0 *1.1 *1 *3.3 4.2

Infant Mortality - Neonatal (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/1,000 live births (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*0 *0.0 *0 *1.1 2.8

Infant Mortality - Postneonatal (Three-Year Average),
number and rate/1,000 live births (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*0 *1.1 *1 *2.2 1.5

Adolescent Births by Age - 10-14 yrs,
number and rate/1,000 females ages 10-14 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*0 *0.4 *0 *0.0 0.1

Adolescent Births by Age - 15-17 years ,
number and rate/1,000 females ages 15-17 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*7 *10.7 *1 *1.2 4.5

Adolescent Births by Age - 15-19 years ,
number and rate/1,000 females ages 15-19 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

21 20.5 *9 *9.9 10.9

Adolescent Pregnancies by Age - 10-14 years ,
number and rate/1,000 females ages 10-14 years (2009-2011;2014-2016)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*1 *0.6 *1 *0.7 0.6

Adolescent Pregnancies by Age - 15-17 years ,
number and rate/1,000 females ages 15-17 years (2009-2011;2014-2016)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*13 *16.3 *10 *14.4 15.1

Adolescent Pregnancies by Age - 15-19 years ,
number and rate/1,000 females ages 15-19 years (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

30 26.8 *13 *13.7 21.7

Births-Low Birthweight Births (<2,500 grams) Mothers All Ages ,
number and percent live births for females all ages (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*17 *5.7 22 7.3 8.1

Births-Low Birthweight Births (<2,500 grams) Mothers 10-19 yrs,
number and percent live births for females ages 10-19 yrs (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.8

Births-Premature Births (Less than 37 Weeks) Mothers All Ages ,
number and percent live births for females all ages (2017-2019;2019-2021)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

31 10.2 28 9.9 11.4

Births-Premature Births (Less than 37 Weeks) Mothers 10-19 yrs,
number and percent live births for females ages 10-19 yrs (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.9

Prenatal Care-Births to Women Receiving Early (1st Trimester) Prenatal Care,
number and percent live births for females all ages (2009-2011;2013-2015)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

239 72.7 233 74.7 74.4

Prenatal Care-Births to Women (10-19 yrs) Receiving Early (1st Trimester) Prenatal Care,
number and percent live births for females ages 10-19 yrs (2009-2011;2014-2016)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

N/A N/A N/A N/A 55.6

Prenatal Care-Births to Women Receiving Late (3rd Trimester) Prenatal Care,
number and percent live births for females all ages (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

*14 *4.7 21 7.2 5.3

Prenatal Care-Births to Women (10-19 yrs) Receiving Late (3rd Trimester) Prenatal Care,
number and percent live births for females ages 10-19 yrs (2014-2016;2018-2020)
Data Sources | Narrative | Indicator Report

N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.1

Created February 8, 2025 8:44 PM EST


  • N/A: Data not available.
  • † The number displayed for this three-year average is 0 yet the rate displayed is greater than 0. This occurs when very few cases are reported during a three year period. Due to rounding, the number is presented as 0 and the rate, while very small, is greater than 0.
  • * Rates are not stable when the number is less than 20.

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Permission to copy, reprint, or otherwise distribute KWIC data is granted as long as appropriate acknowledgement is given.
When citing data from the website, please use: Council on Children and Families, Kids' Wellbeing Indicators Clearinghouse (KWIC),